IHP Consulting thriving on W/W Partnerships!


The Intsitute for Human Potential was originally founded in the 60's by Dr. Thomas Jauch under the business entity of Northwest Human Resource Development Center (NHRDC). At that time the center focused on family therapy, stress managment, wellness programs and youth at risk interventions and programs. In the 70's the center was awarded an Uplift federal grant to work exclusively with youth at risk and their families. The center received many accolades and national recognition for the cutting-edge work in this arena.

In the 80's the center branched off into the corporate consulting field and founded the Institute for Human Potential (IHP) to work with organizations on leadership development, team buidling, performance managment, employee inolvement, cost savings, revenue production, and quality improvement. At this time the clinical practice continued operations from the Chicago office and the corporate consutling practice thrived out of the Schaumburg location. Clients were from telecoimmunications, manufacturing, healthcare, finacial institutions and many major transportation organizations.

The 90's were a time of transition for the Institute due to the demise founder Dr. Thomas Jauch. At this time Tim Jauch took over the leadership for the Institute and focused on the core competencies of leadership development, team building, coaching, counseling and mentoring, organizational development and safety interventions for client organizations.  Today, the Institute delivers training and development programs internationally specializing in helping individuals, teams, families, communities and organizations reach their potential as leaders.

The Institute formulates its approach based on empirical evidence and strong bodies of literature. The evidence-based programmatic success is the foundation for the organization. All the practitioners have years of experience and a wealth of knowledge to offer the clients. From the interns to the senior staff the practices are rooted in solid education and practical application.

The Institute targets 4 areas for their consultation, they are as follows:

  • Corporate Training and Development
  • Excellence Programs
  • Youth, Athletic, Family and Community Programs
  • Teaching and Research


If you are looking to become your very best personally and or professionally the Institute can help you get there. Every program is specifically researched and designed to maximize the impact on the group and optimize the inherent potential in the group. Our services varie from one-on-one coaching to large group interventions.  We look forward to partnering with you to capitalize on your gifts and build a win-win professional relationship.

"The best way to predict the future is create it."
Peter Drucker
Prolific Business Writer


Tim Jauch  Senior  Consultant
Rodney Brown Information Systems
Brian Jauch MA Healthcare and Wellness
Shelly Jauch RN Health and Wellness Director
Kelly Jauch BS Sports Fitness and International Business
Kory Jauch Sports Nutrition and Weight Loss
Kasey Jauch Physical Fitness

IHP Consulting
2308 St. James
Rolling Meadows IL 60008
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